Wave turbulence at LEGI#

This website presents our activity on wave turbulence in geophysical flows at LEGI (Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels). Our laboratory has a long-standing expertise in the fields of turbulence and waves. The activity on wave turbulence started with the WATU ERC grant lead by Prof. Nicolas Mordant. This activity continued with an international collaboration on wave turbulence funded in 2019 by the Simons Foundation and led by Prof. Jalal Shatah from the Courant Institute of NYU. The support of this collaboration has just been renewed so it will continue at least until 2026.
Two postdoc positions opened#
We seek for two doctors to join our group as postdocs funded by the Simons Foundation through an international and interdisciplinary collaboration on wave turbulence. For the detailed description of these 2 to 3 years postdoc positions, click here.